If you have been around me much, you might have noticed I like to preach series of messages. I have discovered over the years that many topics and/or scriptures lend themselves to multiple messages because there is so much good material. The really good series will make people think and will build upon each other week by week.
I have just finished a series on Flawed heroes of the faith and I have to say that this has been particularly intriguing. I have enjoyed preparing these messages and have received lots of comments on them as well. There are many lessons that we can learn from the imperfect people God uses in scripture to fulfill His will and purpose.
Jacob taught us about lying and deception and the affect that can have on relationships for years to come. Deceit colors everything and it makes trust difficult to come by. Yet, we see that God remains faithful to the promises that God has made and is able to use Jacob, in spite of his deceitful heart.
Moses was the giver of the law and led the Israelites out of Egypt yet because of his uncontrolled anger issues, he was forbidden to enter the promised land. God’s relationship with Moses is a wonderful example of how God uses a person in spite of their flaws and will still bless them, because God is faithful.
If we are going to be honest, this series could continue for a long time, because every person used by God in scripture (except Jesus) was imperfect and flawed in some way. We look to Jesus for direction, wisdom and how to live right, but we can look at the people used by God in the Bible to learn what not to do :) and to see how we can continue on in the midst of failure and sin.
I know that I am flawed and there have been plenty of times when I have been tempted to give up because of my flaws and failures. However, by the grace of God and the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, I am still used by God for His glory. I am still used by God to help others find out what I have found out. God has a place and purpose for me, in spite of my faults and failures. I invite you to join me in serving under the grace of God and see what God will do with our little band of misfits here in Douglasville.
Roger A Vest